About Us


 The Samast Connect Foundation (SCF) has its genesis in a closed room situated in Doha while some like-minded people were involved in a casual conversation on September 29, 2017. This simple yet highly motivated organisation came into existence instantaneously with strong urge to serve the society. Suddenly, the conversation took a remarkable turn and without any delay the thought captured everyone in the room that something exceptional has to be initiated so that rich and poor collectively contribute towards the constructive society, feeling proud and worth.

 After the deliberations, Samast Connect Foundation came into existence, whose reins came in the hands of people who were committed to put their share in eliminating the difficulties and challenges of others. Majority of these are the ones whose economic and social status itself is not as per the established standards, yet they opted to serve those who are struggling for the basic needs. 

 It was decided that affordable amount of annual cash should be levied so that people from all strata of the society can easily be attached and the path of change could be realized.

 The philosophy and methodology of the entire foundation is based on the rules of learning, incorporating and expanding with the passage of time. The Foundation has proposed to bring about change for society broadly in two areas: Education and Relief. The journey of SCF stepped further and consequently it has been registered in India on December 10, 2018. So far, SCF has successfully executed some relief related projects in few remote areas of India.


 Extending helping hands to ensure good & decent life for better living and educational sustainability for underprivileged sections of the society.


 By 2025 our people, accomplished projects, problem- solving approaches, assets, technological advancement and processes will set a remarkable laudable benchmark for performance, technological innovation, operational sustainability and social responsibility in the arena of education and relief.


•Community Centricity: Placing the community at the heart of decision making and at core of the programming, delivery and performance assessment to ensure a relentless focus on the needs of the hours

•Performance and Responsiveness: High standards of efficiency and effectiveness to meet the needs of Samast Connect Foundation (SCF) and its stakeholders

•Team work and spirit: Working together with all and with those entities/individuals in an open, collaborative, cooperative, coordinative and trusting way to deliver SCF’s objectives

•Transparency: Undertaking SCF activities in an open and transparent manner that fosters trust, adds values in SCF’s style of functioning and encourages our members, stakeholders and community to do something concrete for the humanity

•Professionalism and Work Culture: Aiming to deliver high quality results in a manner accountable to stakeholders, clarity of organizational roles and objectives, effective and efficient use of human, financial and material resources to reach at aspired mission

•Holistic: Maintaining and protecting secular philosophy of SCF and keeping its independence from having affiliations with political parties and religious groups. SCF is committed to the equality of opportunities for all, irrespective of gender, caste, creed, ethnic and other social differences in its policy and programmes

•Partnership: Believing in partnering with those who are engaged in the process of fulfilling similar objectives of SCF across India

•Volunteerism: Considering it as the heart and soul of SCF

•Loyalty: Remaining faithful to SCF, supporting its objectives, and being proud of its achievements

How we work?

SCF is committed to having transparency, integrity and accountability at all levels in its functions. All our decisions are taken democratically  through deliberations following the span of control.  Its functions are being taken care of by the six departments (Planning & Quality, Operations, Finance, IT, Members Welfare and Communication). Each department is represented by a team leader and other efficient team members. All departments are answerable to a Working Committee which is answerable to the General Body of the organization. All major decisions are always routed through the General Body. The Working Committee only facilitates day to day activities of SCF and implements the General Body’s decisions.